Just be creative every day. Again and again and again......... Lots of fun doing this.......

zaterdag 28 juli 2007

Day 7

Aha an other day, I do surprise me too. Today I searched for images fo my Rasmussen Card, but it is very difficult because look in magazines, all people are smiling, even with the worst story. But I keep looking, I did this before, and I did find the images I needed back then.

I also cut words out of the magazine I went through, why?

In an article written by Molly Anderson-Childers, she called it wordpool, and was in an article for children. Cut out a lot of words, inspiring, odd.... all kind of words. Put it in empty fishbowl, a had, a nice box and pull out 10, 20 or just what you want and make a poem or a short story.

I thought as it is a nice idea.

Up till day 8,

Love and hugs,


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