Just be creative every day. Again and again and again......... Lots of fun doing this.......

donderdag 26 juli 2007

Thirty Day Challenge Day 1 to 5

Thirty Day Challenge

I allready started it with out knowing.

Day 1: Sat. 21 july 2007 I jotted down some interresting words: gouden habijt/golden habit meaning the yellow jersey in the Tour de France.

Day 2: Sun. 22 july 2007 I made a haiku, in Dutch I'm afraid about that golde habit. When I have polished it I will put them here and in English as well.

Day 3: Mon. 23 july 2007 Made a haiku about the moon........ Have to polish it as well and I will do the same as day two.

Day 4: Tues. 24 july 2007 Collecting all kind of article about writing with tips, wich can be useful to me. In my mind I was already making profiles about people to use in stories, one of the tips I read. In a day or two I will put some characters on paper. I am also putting e-courses in place to start with for better writting and journaling. I start with them when it is school time again.

Day 5: Wednes. 25 july 2007 Collecting prompt and different kind of journaling ideas today. I didn't know that much journaling ideas where there. So I have enough for years I guess. ;-). I also jotted very wise words down my 9 years old daughter told me.

De bankrover heeft een overval in mijn en jouw hart gepleegd of te wel papa steelt liefde uit ons hart en dat doet pijn. Meaning the bankrobber has commited a robbery in mine and your (is me) heart. Daddy can be an grumpy man and that hurts in our heart she said. Hope I translate it well.

I might use that later.

Up to today............. Shall report later. Glad to be here,

Love and hugs,


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