Just be creative every day. Again and again and again......... Lots of fun doing this.......

zaterdag 22 september 2007

Day 8 -9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17 part 2

I know I am way behind with my 30 days to report. So a quick up date

Day 8 Thursday Day 9 Friday Day 10 Saturday Day 11 Sunday: those days where mainly writing for BIW, some days many some days a few words.

Day 12 Monday: Saw some nice ideas at Violette's websites, printed them and want to try them to. Show them as they work out. I invited her over hope she will join, she will be inspirited all of us.

Day 13 Tuesday: This day I created Celebration Joy, wich took of like a rocket as Robyn said. It is a nice way to say that, never thought it would take of like this. Hope it will be fun here.

Day 14 Wednesday:collecting some creative ideas for my VeryCoolCat for next week, so we can have fun, ha-ha

Day 15 Thursday: This day I signed Didi up for here own place. When I tell her about all the comments, and about the ice cream her eyes are sparkling and there is a big smile.

I only have to translate what she says into English and visa/versa with your comments. But what more want a mom, as a sparkling face and a big smile at your kids face. I want her feel good for what she is doing, give her the credit. she diserves it.

By the way, we don't own the donkey. Friends in France own a donkey farm. That's where it is.

Day 16 Friday: Today I put the Day of Peace at Celebration Joy, saw it in time thought my next day was Saturday........ Sorry..... Dear Anne did Yom Kippur, thank you dear friend.

Day 17 Saturday: adding a few words to my story for Didi class. And browsing here to see what happens and look at my group.......................

Hope next time I will update sooner,

Love and Hugs,


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